Newspaper thieves!

Foxes take a lotta heat for stuff they don’t actually do, but there is one charge that I can’t defend them against: thievery. They do come into your yard, and they do take your stuff. Someday I’m gonna compile an album of all the things I’ve seen them steal…tons of dog toys (my favorite being a stuffed squirrel that they cached as if it were food), pet bowls, and once a toilet plunger. 

I think today made me laugh the hardest, though. Yesterday I saw scattered newspaper pages near the den, and I wondered about it, but it didn’t occur to me that the foxes had done it.  But then this morning I saw two unopened copies of the Washington Post sitting outside an entrance to their den!! 

So, the moral of this story is…if you live in Germantown, MD and your newspaper consistently comes up missing, please don’t blame your neighbor. It might just be your local fox!


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