Little lion feelings

(Ol Kinyei Conservancy, Maasai Mara ecosystem, Kenya)

When I teach Child Psychology, I tell my students that for preschoolers it actually takes more energy to sit still than it does to run around. Based on what I’ve seen of nonhuman animals, the same applies to juveniles everywhere. We came upon this lion pride having an evening nap, but one of the little ones wanted to wrestle instead.

Fortunately, he found a willing playmate. A few feints…

…and then the battle was on.


Unfortunately, they were so caught up in their wrestling that they didn’t notice that they were edging closer and closer to a young adult…

…who was not amused to be awakened with such indignity and delivered a return swat posthaste…

…at which point our fierce little warrior ran back to his mama for a hug.


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